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GeriPal - A Geriatrics and Palliative Care Podcast

Mar 24, 2021

COVID has taken a devastated toll in nursing homes.  Despite representing fewer than 5% of the total US events, at least 40% of COVID‐19–related deaths occurred in older individuals living in nursing homes.  The good news is that with the introduction of COVID vaccines in nursing homes, numbers of infections and...

Mar 18, 2021

Hospice may not be a great match for all of the care needs of people with dementia, but it sure does help.  And, as often happens, when patients with dementia do not decline as expected, they are too frequently discharged from hospice, an experience that Lauren Hunt and Krista Harrison refer to in an editorial in the

Mar 4, 2021

The COVID pandemic brought to light many things, including how society views older adults. Louise Aronson wrote a piece in the NY Times titled “‘Covid-19 Kills Only Old People.’ Only? Why are we OK with old people dying?”.  The ageist viewpoint she was rallying against was also brought to light in a study of