Mar 31, 2022
In her essay “Why Read a Poem in a Time Like This?”, Marilyn McEntyre writes:
All of us need it. We need it because good poems do something prose can’t do. They invite and enable us to notice the precarious fissures in what we think is solid ground. They direct us toward the light at the edge of things — the...
Mar 24, 2022
One of my favorite Piece of My Mind essays in JAMA is by Rebecca Sudore, titled, “Can We Agree to Disagree?”
And today our guests agree to disagree.
And yet, and yet…
They also agree across a whole range of issues, some of which surprised us.
This is the latest in our series of podcasts on concerns about, and...
Mar 10, 2022
If you develop dementia, odds are you will spend the last months to years of your life in a nursing home or assisted living facility. While we like to think about how our goals and preferences will influence what that life looks like, including whether you will get potentially burdensome interventions, your fate is...
Mar 3, 2022
A little over a decade ago, Ken Covinsky wrote a GeriPal post about a Jack Iwashyna JAMA study finding that older adults who survive sepsis are likely to develop new functional and cognitive deficits after they leave the hospital. To this day, Ken’s post is still one of the most searched and viewed posts on...