Sep 26, 2019
Joanne Lynn, a geriatrician and palliative care physician who leads Altarum’s work on eldercare, wrote a recent JAGS editorial titled The “Fierce Urgency of Now”: Geriatrics Professionals Speaking up for Older Adult Care in the United States” which is very much a call to action for those who care for older adults. We talk with Joanne about this article and some meaningful things clinicians in both geriatrics and palliative care can do to be advocates for a growing population of older adults. One way I would like to plug to better advocate for our patients is through our national societies. To learn more what both AAHPM and AGS are doing to improve care for older adults and those with serious illness, and to learn how you can help lead change, check out the following links: - AAHPM’s advocacy page - - AGS’s Health in Aging Advocacy Center - So check out the podcast and pick one thing that you can do to better advocate for older adults or those living with serious illness. Eric (@ewidera)