Feb 27, 2020
Home-based palliative care is booming. And with the growth of home-based palliative care come unique struggles and challenges: how can it be financed, what does the ideal team look like (or do you need a team?), retaining clinicians who may feel isolated doing this work, identifying patients who are most likely to benefit. In this week's podcast we talk about these and other issues with Brook Calton, home-based palliative care physician in the Division of Palliative Medicine at UCSF and Grant Smith, a recent graduate of UCSF's palliative medicine fellowship now faculty at Stanford. To supplement our podcast, Grant has written a series of thought pieces that flesh out and complement our discussion. His first reflection was published in the Journal of Palliative Medicine last month. We will post one additional reflection per day for the next three days. Hope you enjoy my attempt at a Southern drawl while singing! -@AlexSmithMD