Apr 26, 2018
There is a lot of discussion about the right to die. Although most of these have to do with Physician Assisted Death (PAD). What about in those who are not dying but express a dire to end their lives in the absence of a diagnosable mental illness? Do they have the same right? Well, on today's podcast we are going to...
Apr 17, 2018
In this weeks podcast we talked with David Wang about how palliative care can join forces with the emergency department to improve care for the serious ill. This conversation was motivated in part by a recent expert consensus statement on key knowledge and skills standards about hospice and palliative medicine...
Apr 2, 2018
On todays podcast, we will be talking with Brooke Namboodri and we have Tim Platts-Mills from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill about their new article in the Journal of American Geriatric Society (JAGS) on "Elder abuse identification in the prehospital setting, an examination of state EMS protocols."...