Feb 23, 2023
You know when you walk out of a patient's room and have that sense, “This isn’t going to go well.” The patient is sick and getting sicker, and refuses to let you talk with family or other members of her inner circle. Should you stop at “no?”
Today we talk with Anne Rohlfing, Lynn Flint, and Anne Kelly,...
Feb 16, 2023
Think about the last time a patient yelled at you in anger. How did you react? The last time this happened to me I immediately went on the defensive despite years of training in serious illness communication skills. Afterwards, I thought there must be a better way.
Well on today’s podcast we invite two of our...
Feb 9, 2023
Amber Barnato is an expert in simulation studies. A health services researcher and palliative care physician, Amber lauds the ability of simulation studies to isolate one variable in a study. For example, we spend the first half talking about a RCT simulation study of clinician verbal and non-verbal communication...
Feb 2, 2023
Sometimes you read a book and get a flash of insight - that “ah ha!” moment - about yourself and the ways you interact with others. That happened to me when reading “Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World.” It helped me to understand and justify my interest in (this won’t surprise you)...